31 Ways to Position Your Bones

While in Training…

Last year on Halloween I posted a series of photos that my sister had taken daily.  “Where is the skeleton today”. I had planned on doing the same thing this year at my house. However, early this morning I will be headed to Atlanta to begin training (Florida in a couple weeks) and then back to Atlanta to finish, with my checkride scheduled on Halloween night. I will be living out of a hotel and on a plane for the entire month of October, with only a few nights in my own bed. 

All best laid plans
Can still come to light
Especially in honor of
Halloween fright

I’m all about flexibility, which is also a secret to success. Besides, it’s not the size of your bones that count, it’s how you use them. Therefore, I have a mini skeleton that will be traveling with me on my journey. I will be posting words of wisdom regarding business strategies, flying, and A330 lessons learned throughout the month of October, and you get to guess where we will find the bones next. 
One of the most important keys to learning anything is to remove stress while doing so. Stress impacts the brain to a dangerous level of forgetfulness. During my A350 training I read a novel, and slept 8 hours each night. I was also in bed by 1400 my body clock to accommodate an 0200 body clock report time. How can anyone learn during those ungodly hours? Answer: Prepare ahead of time, and then make sure you get a good nights sleep. My strategy is to awaken early and exercise my brain while reading at the gym before I go to the simulator no matter what time the fun begins. It works. I’m also planning to read another Terry Pratchett book. Perhaps explain flows and systems to my traveling companion. 
Now I have to run… I have a plane to catch, and six hours of studying to accomplish on the flight. Systems evaluation tomorrow, and we’ll see how much I retained after my hundreds of hours of studying.
Enjoy the Journey 
XO Karlene


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