A result of inadequate training!
The aviation industry was touting the number of years without a crash. Now we’ve had three in 5 months. But what about the thousands of ASAP reports or FOQA data identifying errors and close calls? What are we doing to solve the problem? Altas Air should not be forgotten because they were flying freight. This accident was also a training issue.
Why did the Lion Air pilots reengage
a broken system?
Answer: Lack of Understanding due to
inadequate training.
My doctoral research has identified
a worldwide problem with pilot training
due to poor safety culture!
a worldwide problem with pilot training
due to poor safety culture!
The office of the inspector identified pilots have difficulty with manual flight and understanding. The FAA created a safety alert requesting pilots to fly. History shows that crashes occur because of lack of understanding. Training impacts the level of understanding. Pilot performance is being impacted by pilot training. My research identified how a negative safety culture worldwide is impacting pilot performance.
Safety Culture is impacting pilot training. Training is leaving pilots short on understanding. Training is removing pilots willingness to manually fly. Why doesn’t the industry look to where the problems originate… how we are training pilots.
Safety Culture is essential to support
Safety Management Systems,
but that extends to pilot training!
For those who would like to read the entire dissertation you can find it at Petitt Aviation Research. But I turned my dissertation into a book to present the information in a more readable fashion. After you read this book, you decide why the planes are crashing! We know the problem… now let’s fix it!
“If we blame the pilot, then nothing will change.”
“If we blame the airplane, then nothing will change.”
Who should we blame?
What is the underlying cause of airline crashes?
Pilot Training!