Who Says Nothing in Life is Free?
I am giving a Free Kindle download to all those AvGeeks at the NW Aviation and Conference Trade Show for the weekend of February 22-23. However, I decided to begin the free gift the day prior and allow that free download to continue for 5 days, for all those who read this post.
(If in the US Click on the Link Above)
Go to your local Amazon account
and Search the name!
Go to your local Amazon account
and Search the name!
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who took the survey (there were over 7400 of you), and for all of you who shared the links and supported the research. For everyone who cares about aviation safety, and all the researches before and those will come after… this is for you! Please download your copy, even if you don’t have a Kindle at the moment, you can gift it, save it for later, or read it on a Mac. But this is your gift for caring about our industry and giving your support.
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with all your Social Media Connections
No Longer Can We Blame The Pilot
We now have the data that proves we can’t simply blame the pilot. There is never one reason an accident occurs, but a chain of events. If you travel, fly, or touch aviation in any aspect, you have every reason to read Normalization of Deviance, A Threat to Aviation Safety.
“Automation tied to inadequate training
will magnify the potential for disaster”
The things that airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and the FAA are not sharing with the public, can be found in Normalization of Deviance. This book is the result of my doctoral research—Safety Culture, Training, Understanding, Aviation Passion: The Impact on Manual Flight and Operational Performance. While the intent of the research was to learn what predicted manual flight, what was learned may have predicted and, if heeded, prevented the Lion Air Flight 602, 2018 crash, Ethiopian Flight 302, 2019 crash, and Atlas Air Flight 3591, 2019 crash. What was learned could also have prevented the Air France Flight 447 crash.
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