Captain George Jehn
George Jehn
George is a retired airline captain who flew jets for two major United States airlines for over thirty years. During that time he was a member of the Board of Directors for six years with Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) that union that represents airline pilots at most major carriers. (Characteristically similar to the union ALPO in the novels.) He was also a member of the Eastern Pilots System Board of Adjustment, the judicial body set up under the US Railway Labor Act to adjudicate pilot grievances and has worked as an expert witness in a number of aviation cases. Since retiring, he has had two books published, a novel and a memoir both of which can be found on his website:, or on Amazon.
George is no stranger to drama in the airline industry and the corruption he experienced from years past. He is an avid reader, prolific author, and an honest and trustworthy human. I’m honored to call him my friend. I asked him if he would read my latest novel and give me his thoughts. This is what George said.
Flight For Discovery:
“Karlene Petitt’s latest novel, FLIGHT FOR DISCOVERY, is truly a brilliant piece of “fiction,” yet goes to the very heart of what’s most troubling in today’s airline industry. Recall when the trendy saying for every airline was “Flight safety is our highest priority.” Well, that might have been true prior to airline deregulation, but for many airlines today it’s no longer the case. Karlene captures that in her latest novel as some airlines’ motto should be “Making dollars is our highest priority.” This is what her protagonist quickly discovers when she reports legitimate flight safety concerns to management and they are turned around and used against her to attempt to end her lifelong piloting career. Although a novel, this book is a must read for anyone who has ever boarded a commercial airliner as it reveals how one pilot came up against power and money, got no assistance from her union when she reported flight safety problems that could affect the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of passengers, and won. Although “fiction”.
Karlene’s book is a true page turner, almost impossible to put down as it goes to the very heart of the numerous real problems found in today’s airline industry; from the lack of proper flight training, to the shoddy oversight and complicity by the Federal Aviation Administration as proven by the fatal crashes of the Boeing 737 Max.”
Did I mention George is brilliant too?
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Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene