Friday’s Fabulous Flyer!
Danny Roach
A pilot’s journey from an arrogant “know it all” teenager, who received a D in his GCSE English Language exam, and had no interest in writing, to writing his first book. He thought that it was more fun to “bait the English teacher, whilst rocking back on my chair (Sorry Mrs. Morgan).” After three years Danny’s book, Inside the Cyclone has finally been published. A journey worth traveling.
“My interest in writing, after my struggles as a student, can be traced back to 2014 when I started to learn to fly. Whilst learning, I decided to keep a diary of each lesson to help me learn more quickly and to keep me, at least metaphorically, grounded. As I grew into the ritual, I quickly found it was extremely therapeutic to write with a pen and paper, and gradually began to expand these business-like notes to include anecdotes and feelings. It was a small step from here to starting my blog: Danny Roach Flying Author, where I experimented with my writing voice, and learned what worked.
I then eventually plucked up (no pun intended) the courage to send my article,
Forgive me Feather, to Microlight Flying magazine as an exemplar of my style. I expected some critique and pointers from the editor on where I could improve, but what I got back instead was an email saying that it would be published in the next magazine.
With confidence soaring, I continued to write more and more pieces for the magazine and then got invited to write the introduction to the British Microlight Aircraft Association’s
Official Guide to Microlighting.
During all this time, I was gathering stories and formulating a structure for my first book, Inside the Cyclone’
I’d recently decided to buy an aeroplane and realized I didn’t know anything about it, and thought my experience could be a valuable lesson for all. This book is about my journey through buying, assembling and flying my Cyclone AX3 along with all the ups and downs that come with aircraft ownership. I also did some research into the history of the type and managed to get contributions off some of the key people involved in her approval by the UK CAA. There are loads of anecdotes from many of the previous pilots and owners of my aeroplane and it took me a while to weave all of this into a coherent narrative.
What I didn’t realize was that writing the book would be just the start. Formatting and cover design is an extremely painful process too and it has taken me a further 3 months to get from a finished manuscript to a print ready book.”
I hope you joy reading the book which is available on Amazon here:
Paper and Ebook!
And comments are very much appreciated!
You can follow Danny on
Facebook on Twitter @dannydenfisch and his
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene