Jolie Lucas

Friday’s Fabulous Flyer

 Jolie Lucas
Aviation Superstar!
Jolie Lucas is a Mooney owner, licensed psychotherapist, and instrument rated pilot. She is the Founder of two grass-roots general aviation service groups: Mooney Ambassadors and the Friends of Oceano Airport. She is the Director and Executive Producer of the documentary: Boots on the Ground: the Men & Women who made Mooney©. 

Jolie is also the Vice President of 
the California Pilots Association

Jolie was the 2010 AOPA Joseph Crotti Award 
recipient for GA Advocacy

Jolie co-created Mooney Girls Mooney Girls 
and Right Seat Ready!© 
She is the creator of Pilot Plus One© 

Jolie can help anyone reach their life goals!

She is an aviation educator and writer. 
Jolie would love to hear from you! 
Twitter: Mooney4Me

Message and Invite
From Jolie:
I wanted to invite you all to my FREE WINGS event,
 Exiting the Hold: Reaching your Aviation Goals 

Thursday, February 21st 
6:00-9:00 p.m. 
ACI Jet Center, KSBP,
 San Luis Obispo, CA. 

“Much like flying an actual hold, there comes a time in every pilot’s career where an honest assessment of skill, safety, performance, desire, and goals needs to be made. Are you one of the many pilots that are stuck in the hold, unable to complete your aviation goals?
Jolie Lucas, discusses the six keys to exiting the holding pattern and reaching your goals. This fast paced, multi-media presentation explores human factors, brain science, and personality in decision-making, motivation, and follow-through. The seminar is sure to inspire you to exit the holding pattern and move forward in your aviation goals.”

Free admission with RSVP: 

Refreshments. WINGS credit. Fly-In Fuel Discount.
Door prizes generously donated by:
ACI Jet: Tarmac Teddy and ACI Fuel gift card
ArtCraft Paint, Gift Basket
King Schools: Gift Certificate for any King Schools Course
Lightspeed : Lightspeed Zulu 3 Aviation Headset

Can’t make February 21st? 
Come see Jolie present 
Exiting the Hold at 
Sun n Fun in Lakeland Florida

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


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