In the Airline Industry
Books like Ernest Gann’s, Fate is the Hunter, Joe Sutter’s, 747: Creating the first Jumbo Jet, Wolfgang Langewiesche’s Stick and Rudder, and Tony Kern’s Redefining Airmanship, are examples of exceptionalism in aviation. From experience and integrity to performance and airmanship, these authors brought forward professionalism with a passion. I highly recommend each of those books.
To many, aviation is more than a job, it’s a way of life. There was a time when those who owned and managed an airline did so with passion. It was a time when the wealthy invested their money into the industry because of their love of flight and the challenge of making it better. It was their passion that fueled aviation and brought air travel to the public. But times have changed, where money has become the driving force.
It’s difficult for anyone to believe the lengths that humans will go to harm another for power, success, and profitability. Yet history has proven this to be true. We all know that history repeats. What’s disappointing is that this behavior is ongoing in the airline industry today. Pride and ownership of airlines and manufacturers no longer exist.
It appears that the current management style is a rape, pillage and plunder exercise at employee and stockholder expense, passenger safety be damned. I have yet to see anyone in airline management terminated even if they retaliate, harass, sleep with employees, or misdirect millions of dollars. At worst they are either promoted into another position or allowed to resign with benefits. If they resign, they slide to the next airline to amass another fortune. Nobody is ever held accountable. Why not?
The problem appears to be with the structure of the management model, enabling a CEO to hold a dual role that includes the position as the Chairman of the Board. The reason is evident why nobody is held accountable. But more than that, this structure weakens the ability to manage risk within the organization. Federally mandated safety management systems (SMS) is a risk mitigation process. Combining these positions is contrary to the intent of SMS. Closed executive sessions are essential for acquiring feedback. Imagine if a CEO was involved in retaliation of an employee who brought forth safety concerns. I doubt any board member would speak freely. We cannot overlook that Muilenburg was both Boeing’s CEO and Chairman of the Board. If there had been a closed executive session without Muilenburg would the outcome have been different?
Where is the supervision? The Board of Directors is supposed to be the oversight for executives managing the company, and the executives could therefore be held accountable. However, what happens if the top executive, the CEO, of an organization is also the chairman of the board? Nobody will be held accountable at the corporate level. I’m certain this behavior is on going in every industry. However, in the airline industry control and oversight are essential for public safety. When the FAA is part of the problem, then we have a grave concern. Would FAA investigators make the right decision if their boss, the FAA Administrator, was involved in retaliation for a pilot bringing forward safety concerns? Of course not.
My novel series is a journey of a pilot who loves to fly, cares about aviation safety, and believes the pilot job is in jeopardy. However, after a merger Darby Bradshaw brought forth safety concerns to senior management and in the novel Flight For Sanity those very managers attacked her in the most horrific manner possible for a pilot. They challenged her sanity.
She fought hard and returned to the flight deck in Flight For Truth. Yet nobody was held accountable, and the battle for passenger safety was not over. ASAPs were at an all-time high and nothing was being done. Many involved were even promoted. Training was cutback and the FAA is looking the other way as duty time regulations are being violated. The question was why?
In the most recent novel, just released, Flight For Discovery, Darby decided to hold those managers accountable by pursuing justice. During the discovery process she unveiled more than she could have ever imagined. What she learned was a consistent and frightening level of incompetence woven through the management ranks. She also realized how truly corrupt the management team at Global Air Lines was at the highest levels. She believes that nobody is safe. She even learned that one of those managers who retaliated against her was destined to become the next FAA Administrator. How could that be possible?
What Darby uncovers is shocking,
but explains so much!
The acquired knowledge in the novel,
leads to the FAA Administrator’s termination.
(Flight For Justice, ETA: February 2023)
If you want to know what Darby learned,
get your copy of Flight For Discovery today!
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene