Amazing People doing Amazing Things!
Will & Aleeka
Friday’s Fabulous Flyers!
William Morgan is an enlisted aviator with the U.S. Military, and his wife Aleeka is a financial advisor. I met them at the ERAU graduation in Seattle last month. Will was graduating, I was the keynote speaker, and Aleeka was the support system for both of us. They found me after the event, and I learned what an amazing couple they are! They have also been extremely patient with my schedule in posting this. What’s also amazing is that Aleeka is from Guyana, and we probably walked the same streets. It’s a very small world.
Will is one of those people who doesn’t allow adversity to defeat him. He faces life’s challenges and then keeps pushing forward. The fact he walked across that stage after earning his diploma speaks volumes. And Aleeka could not have been more proud.
Will Morgan
The story goes, that they were looking for ways to stay connected while Will was away on his missions. Then they thought of a story plot and decided to write a book together. They created characters through international messaging apps, and emailed each other chapters. This act of partnership resulted in their debut science fiction novel- THE VOG.
“A politician’s attempt to increase tourism and “Make Hawai’i Beautiful Again” involves killing the homeless by injecting micro-robots into the volcanic fog. This altered cloud is top secret. It is more deadly than smoke inhalation. And thanks to advancements in nanotechnology, it even has the ability to detect when it’s near homelessness. It also might have caused the death of the NOAA bioengineer who programmed it.”
Vog (a portmanteau of “volcanic” and “fog”) has never been written with such humor and so poignantly. The couple parallels their narrative to the current political climate, making it easy for readers to detach from current events but also validates everything they’ve been feeling over this past year.
Aleeka and will are also the founders of Honolulu Sea Hawkers (HSH), a non-profit organization that works with NFL players to produce community events that promote mental and physical health. Aleeka, an immigrant from Guyana, graduated from Brown University with a degree in Economics. Prior to HSH Inc., she was a television producer (Today Show, Peter Jennings Documentary Group). She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Business & Communications at Chaminade University. William Morgan, a Seattleite, graduated from Emry-Riddle Aeronautical University and is a 15-year military veteran. He currently serves in the Air National Guard. They live in Hawaii where they are contributing writers to Honolulu Magazine.
I have been submersed in my dissertation and life, and last night was the first opportunity I took to read something fun in the tub. I had ordered the VOG and it arrived while I was away at training. So, I climbed into my tub with this book. Wow! Amazing writers. They say you can judge a book by the first 10 pages… I read the first 7 (chapter end) and I was hooked. Their writing is exceptional. Character development, dialogue, and voice are fantastic. These are two incredible authors and I hope they keep this aspect of their bonding going.
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene